Monday, January 14, 2013

Security Concerns in the Office

Courtesy of Beresford Co.

In light of the recent Sand Hook Shootings that took place in Newtown, Connecticut, many have been voicing their concerns over the possibilities of more shootings taking place inside of schools and other educational facilities. While the concerns are sadly very real -- as we learned from the horrors that unfolded in Connecticut -- the dangers posed by workplace shootings are just as real, and consist of much higher numbers.

Workplace shootings severely outnumber the amount of shootings taking place in a school. This could be due to a number of different facts, including the fact that certain age minimums are in-place to prevent younger people from getting guns.

While the schools, and the States in the United States have their hands sort of bound on what steps they can take to protect against these dangers, businesses and company owners have plenty of security steps that they can take and put in place to protect the company and its employees. -- if only the company acts on the dangers, and actively seeks-out ways of prevention.

Beresford Co is a company that offers security solutions to its many clients around the world, in the form of security badges and property security designs.

While security badges and identification security does not seem like a big step toward extra security in the office building, its true effects have to be seen to believed. Once these security options are in-place, businesses begin to see a drastic reduction in incidents of every kind, including security issues raised from distributors, guests, and visiting customers and the public.

To learn more about identification security, Beresford Co, or to discuss your company's options with a security professional, visit them online at:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Network Storage Solutions For Your Business

Courtesy of Digiliant

More and more companies these days are taking notice of and taking advantage off some of the benefits of network storage server solutions. ISCSI storage solutions can offer benefits that are veritably limitless. Just a few of the options, ideas, and solutions include:

Using a network attached storage device is a great way to store all of your electronic information on one safe and secure server group. Classified or sensitive information can be kept on these servers where they can be accessed by employees and authorized users, but are held locked away from the public and from hackers who would attempt to thieve the information. This can also help with storage limitations of work computers and devices, giving many more gigabytes of storage at a much cheaper price.

Using a set of portal computers (Desktop computers that are stripped down to the bare minimum of hardware and devices) to access the mainframe stored on a server. The benefit of this is that each one of the portal computers is simply a gateway to access the main computing power of the server clusters. This can greatly reduce the need for replacement parts or having to replace outdated computer hardware.

To find out more about Network solutions, servers, ISCSI SAN devices, or to explore how these options may be right for your business, visit Digilant online at:

Friday, January 4, 2013

Ramping Up Marketing in the New Year

 Photo Courtesy of

2013 has officially arrived, and we are busy making our way through the month of January. The beginning of this year, the beginning of any year is a good time for your company or business to start putting together plans for how exactly you plan to market yourself in the coming 12 months. A strong and detailed marketing plan for 2013, put in place in the first month, can generate strong sales leads and overall sales can rise considerably. This is why it is so beneficial to meet with Experiential marketing professionals and draw out your plan early.

Product and event marketing technology aims to take your products, services, brand, and overall voice of your company, place it on a stage for the world to see, and then provides results that convert into sales, based on the particular marketing strategies appointed.

The more visible and recognizable your company is, the more likely that traffic to your website or contact terminals will convert into a sale. By providing the public with a clear and concise image of who you are and what your do and why your product should be trusted and purchased, not only is an initial sale completed, but you have opened the waters for future or referred sales as well.

To learn more about experiential marketing, various marketing strategies, cost of marketing, or sales, visit Elite MG online at: